
ID Name STEAM ID Unban time Reason Admin name Added date
1 sHELLLLLLLLLLLLL STEAM_0:1:156109840 17-05-34 04:41 sugeo NINJA~ 16-01-25 23:21
2 shampooo STEAM_0:1:880383962 Permanent cod sHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 12-01-25 16:05
3 x STEAM_0:0:532984923 Permanent inter sHELLLLLLLLLLLL 07-01-25 20:42
4 wildfire STEAM_0:0:445849489 Permanent mix trag relaxat 04-01-25 23:47
5 PGL STEAM_0:0:796538567 Permanent wg tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 28-12-24 20:07
6 zxc STEAM_0:1:174946958 Permanent mort abece 26-12-24 21:52
7 hail STEAM_0:1:655315728 Permanent 0 puFF 17-12-24 18:45
8 cts STEAM_0:1:420581649 Permanent a sHELLLLLLLLLLL 14-12-24 20:28
9 prajitura dubai STEAM_0:0:196671109 Permanent as sHELLLLLLLLLLLL 09-12-24 23:15
10 porumbel carbonizat STEAM_0:0:529735064 Permanent 0 kid0 09-12-24 20:22
11 Daytona STEAM_0:1:862697722 Permanent 0 kid0 09-12-24 20:22
12 XAM STEAM_0:1:497527581 Permanent p abece 02-12-24 20:28
13 verratti STEAM_0:1:584749045 Permanent sal marcela 29-11-24 22:28
14 VeRRaTTi Permanent interzis marcela 29-11-24 21:26
15 msnlp STEAM_0:1:29644138 Permanent shell yavez! 27-11-24 23:11
16 antero STEAM_0:1:213488711 Permanent coduri abece 23-11-24 19:32
17 takayukii <3 STEAM_0:1:711182920 23-10-26 05:37 cod !edward! 18-11-24 18:57
18 Grandma’s Ninja Academy STEAM_0:1:173647971 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLL 21-10-24 21:21
19 HYAENA STEAM_0:0:456060704 Permanent codar fLORINELLLLL 15-09-24 21:40
20 valica[RO] - AWP Permanent injuraturi marcela 08-09-24 19:04
21 NEST STEAM_0:0:905021465 Permanent pa abece 04-09-24 19:34
22 1h1 STEAM_0:1:623390881 Permanent ma fLORINELLLLLLLL 03-09-24 21:58
23 Jamaica STEAM_0:1:616568499 Permanent 0 kid0 03-09-24 18:59
24 E!Z STEAM_0:0:897467081 Permanent 0 kid0 03-09-24 18:21
25 Ilie STEAM_0:1:807263345 Permanent 17 tiptil 03-09-24 18:10
26 zuzu STEAM_0:0:53224648 Permanent interzis abece 20-08-24 19:11
27 Alfa1 STEAM_0:1:418586876 Permanent interzis abece 20-08-24 19:11
28 dani tirnichea STEAM_0:0:90904464 Permanent codat fLORINELLLLL 05-08-24 19:13
29 heheeh STEAM_0:0:876108392 Permanent interzis abece 23-07-24 19:48
30 Hayek:K STEAM_0:1:526904098 Permanent coduri abece 23-07-24 19:41
31 rosa Permanent dadas GXV 18-07-24 17:40
32 neymar STEAM_0:0:79595548 Permanent 0 kid0 16-07-24 19:13
33 rere STEAM_0:0:125042370 Permanent 0 kid0 16-07-24 18:27
34 fetti123 STEAM_0:1:581160404 Permanent 0 kid0 15-07-24 20:03
35 stronger STEAM_0:0:43088608 Permanent sal marcela 06-07-24 18:02
36 que paso STEAM_0:1:631174442 Permanent last game abece 01-07-24 22:17
37 que paso STEAM_0:1:581319075 Permanent last game abece 01-07-24 22:17
38 vlk2h STEAM_0:0:724314461 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLL 29-06-24 00:20
39 loverboy STEAM_0:1:871775861 Permanent ban by florinelll abece 27-06-24 23:30
40 tentpole STEAM_0:1:419642707 Permanent injurii+drop moonlight 27-06-24 18:29
41 ssss STEAM_0:0:242845362 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLL 20-06-24 23:19
42 senza giacca e cravatta STEAM_0:1:93327162 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLL 20-06-24 20:54
43 VRG STEAM_0:1:100891133 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLL GAMING 16-06-24 20:47
44 Gussmanov1ck STEAM_0:1:805974427 Permanent interzis abece 08-06-24 22:08
45 kçé STEAM_0:1:244324512 Permanent puse l 23-05-24 23:48
46 Salata cu S mare ! STEAM_0:1:639864924 Permanent injuriicatrepoison space cadet 18-05-24 17:52
47 ~~~~~k1lishhh1g? STEAM_0:0:847624192 Permanent aimbot moonlight 12-05-24 16:07
48 SauL STEAM_0:1:519360383 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLL 05-05-24 20:59
49 AMUNJIPIZBITINZID STEAM_0:1:13781762 Permanent antijoc Andreea 02-05-24 19:50
50 asia STEAM_0:1:52854197 Permanent vb.frumos puFF 22-04-24 19:58
51 fotomodel STEAM_0:0:809760499 Permanent ban NINJA 19-04-24 22:21
52 9 STEAM_0:1:570190555 aim !edward! 05-04-24 13:29
53 mgm STEAM_0:1:24618788 Permanent interzis indi 23-03-24 21:13
54 sefw Permanent awaken. 09-03-24 20:01
55 alexofiterul STEAM_0:0:455160935 Permanent interzis MIX1.FIREON.RO | TS.FIREON.RO 08-03-24 19:03
56 emi STEAM_0:1:15929132 Permanent drop puFF 28-02-24 18:10
57 flouting in my prime. Permanent bafta marcela 23-02-24 19:54
58 NightOutBaby STEAM_0:0:650054284 Permanent interzis - coduri abece 22-02-24 17:44
59 cedry2k STEAM_0:0:642116072 Permanent gunoi fLORINELLLLLL 16-02-24 21:19
60 jandarmeria Permanent asaazissefushell marcela 16-02-24 19:00
61 cinearenorocarelalalalalalaa STEAM_0:0:150554359 Permanent codar fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 14-02-24 21:03
62 sharky STEAM_0:0:558806259 Permanent no.wg moonlight 12-02-24 17:47
63 ADEVARATUL FIRTE STEAM_0:1:834815392 Permanent fLORINELLLLLL 08-02-24 22:09
64 Direct_Fum STEAM_0:0:210669713 Permanent zalot awaken. 08-02-24 20:55
65 robert STEAM_0:1:793660637 Permanent interzis abece 03-02-24 19:19
66 123 STEAM_0:1:723670643 Permanent salut ANDREI))) 31-01-24 18:09
67 ratatcucod STEAM_0:0:776901277 Permanent ratat lord 30-01-24 21:09
68 -RiaN- STEAM_0:1:190607066 Permanent ex-codat fLORINELLLLLL 24-01-24 17:39
69 VALVERDE STEAM_0:0:41499151 Permanent mix fan bazuri 23-01-24 19:16
70 stars STEAM_0:1:577094963 Permanent mortii.tai fLORINELLLLL 20-01-24 23:07
71 Zʟaτan STEAM_0:1:527569497 Permanent norecoil tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL fan Yakari 20-01-24 18:48
72 ood STEAM_0:1:155641444 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLL 20-01-24 18:15
73 plaj STEAM_0:1:803933466 Permanent codat lord 11-01-24 01:44
74 ghost STEAM_0:1:821139979 Permanent codat lord 11-01-24 01:43
75 lokaloka STEAM_0:1:453681001 Permanent jignirefondator tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL fan yavez! 07-01-24 16:28
76 t4L1SMAN STEAM_0:0:626461081 Permanent codar fLORINELLLLLLLL#haladit 06-01-24 20:04
77 Pro-Faster! STEAM_0:1:26703273 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLLLL#haladit 04-01-24 21:19
78 Aze STEAM_0:0:19791774 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLLLL#haladit 04-01-24 20:58
79 lEx Permanent ban marcela 02-01-24 16:58
80 neverdie STEAM_0:1:1527879 Permanent interzis fLORINELLLLLL 24-12-23 21:29
81 LGA.! //:HLTV.ORG:// STEAM_0:1:85031408 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLL 24-12-23 18:49
82 -=M-POWER=- STEAM_0:0:55888817 Permanent permanent fLORINELLLLLL 24-12-23 18:19
83 y STEAM_0:0:440593829 Permanent interzis abece 19-12-23 19:23
84 candy STEAM_0:1:804952796 Permanent nowg Andreea 15-12-23 18:15
85 Dhazz Permanent banpets marcela 14-12-23 22:07
86 candy STEAM_0:0:805078623 Permanent wall marcela 13-12-23 20:23
87 hhh STEAM_0:0:48524578 Permanent la revedere emerald 10-12-23 22:28
88 Днепр STEAM_0:1:577566356 Permanent mt3y ind8 09-12-23 22:03
89 I.W.T.D. STEAM_0:0:2990627 Permanent 10 yavez! 09-12-23 21:48
90 brici STEAM_0:1:713378860 Permanent drop ?! 04-12-23 17:13
91 bmw_power STEAM_0:1:23997762 Permanent interzis fLORINELLLL 01-12-23 23:12
92 adrian STEAM_0:1:444979020 Permanent caut-o in mormant pe ma-ta abece 26-11-23 16:49
93 swagger. STEAM_0:0:541803729 Permanent bozgor fLORINELLLLLL 26-11-23 16:13
94 s7v3n STEAM_0:1:649592830 Permanent coduri tRLLLLLLLLLLLLL atat s-a putut 23-11-23 21:45
95 vulturii vede toate alea STEAM_0:0:688137818 Permanent injurii tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 18-11-23 19:36
96 SniperS STEAM_0:0:21053775 Permanent aim AYYY MIGUELLL 18-11-23 18:54
97 jamaykan STEAM_0:1:574706497 Permanent cod GXV 16-11-23 21:40
98 xyzzz STEAM_0:1:108761878 Permanent coduri tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 16-11-23 16:57
99 FanTa STEAM_0:1:229990057 Permanent wall lord 15-11-23 14:03
100 arrogance STEAM_0:0:554776196 Permanent nu ai voie aici emerald 14-11-23 22:11
101 sarpe boa STEAM_0:1:633257712 Permanent fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLL 09-11-23 23:30
102 sarpe boa STEAM_0:0:538564270 Permanent pepsi.twist fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLL 09-11-23 23:28
103 mereu STEAM_0:0:804120055 Permanent nepss marcela 07-11-23 18:34
104 pervane tragator STEAM_0:0:533737952 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLL GAMING 02-11-23 18:49
105 killshot STEAM_0:1:740035446 Permanent interzis abece 29-10-23 18:41
106 Mario_Turcitu STEAM_0:1:569091714 Permanent interzis abece 28-10-23 19:41
107 IonutKey STEAM_0:1:220505707 Permanent interzis abece 28-10-23 19:37
108 ToRaN STEAM_0:0:577828810 Permanent 0 madbrain 24-10-23 19:15
109 CLaudiuuN1 # iZ oN fiRe STEAM_0:0:72604524 Permanent 0 tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 23-10-23 23:00
110 jesgod STEAM_0:0:621865105 Permanent . !edward! 23-10-23 17:54
111 STEAM_0:1:3855218 Permanent 0 madbrain 17-10-23 21:32
112 lybw STEAM_0:0:738952190 Permanent ma-ta.e.blonda fLORINELLLLL GAMING 16-10-23 22:00
113 capita STEAM_0:0:736402470 Permanent puFF 09-10-23 18:01
114 LowQ STEAM_0:0:517475561 Permanent fmm fLORINEL anihilatorul 03-10-23 21:18
115 xkk STEAM_0:1:62917408 Permanent ciao puFF 03-10-23 18:13
116 shuk STEAM_0:1:714481744 Permanent ciao puFF 03-10-23 18:13
117 shittingpants STEAM_0:1:428273878 Permanent ciao puFF 03-10-23 18:12
118 4attack STEAM_0:1:148870571 Permanent cod 777777 02-10-23 21:27
119 BROASCA STEAM_0:1:778004961 Permanent cerereFORUMcuSCUZElaSAGEATA GXV 02-10-23 21:01
120 ебал свой рот STEAM_0:0:450705078 Permanent 5 !edward! 01-10-23 21:50
121 play STEAM_0:0:562289657 Permanent mars abece 16-09-23 18:55
122 xantares peek STEAM_0:1:561537231 Permanent pa fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLLLLGAMING 10-09-23 21:51
123 maical STEAM_0:0:542388255 Permanent pa emerald 09-09-23 18:40
124 dresor STEAM_0:1:749859189 Permanent pa emerald 09-09-23 18:39
125 ZeUs STEAM_0:0:420550208 Permanent 0 emerald 08-09-23 19:24
126 name dddddddddddddddddddddddddd STEAM_0:0:780977077 Permanent 0 emerald 08-09-23 19:23
127 massivee Permanent dacatotaibanpets marcela 01-09-23 18:57
128 dj cocos Permanent sal marcela 01-09-23 18:39
129 baltagu STEAM_0:1:656725793 Permanent aim puFF 30-08-23 17:09
130 MASSIVE STEAM_0:0:633384472 Permanent DROP.SS.CerereFORUMunban GXV 27-08-23 20:54
131 W1nnEPOWERR STEAM_0:0:431511286 Permanent bot PusE_- 27-08-23 18:55
132 doi pelican feroce Permanent permts marcela 22-08-23 20:33
133 Aaa STEAM_0:1:463194333 Permanent as fLORINELLLLLLLLLL 19-08-23 23:05
134 x STEAM_0:0:571279660 Permanent 0 kid0 19-08-23 22:34
135 trilucrocodilu STEAM_0:0:95347931 Permanent 0 kid0 19-08-23 21:44
136 ereskááá. Ossian <3 STEAM_0:1:709803304 Permanent 0 Georgiana 17-08-23 16:57
137 SwE ! STEAM_0:0:146285057 Permanent gura 777777777 13-08-23 18:09
138 Doctoru. STEAM_0:0:482252786 Permanent sac fLORINELLLLLLLL 13-08-23 18:07
139 1 STEAM_0:1:761225882 Permanent wall Xtra 12-08-23 19:28
140 dhazzonf STEAM_0:1:461406350 Permanent nepwg marcela 08-08-23 18:19
141 Masturbhino STEAM_0:0:485084542 Permanent fLORINELLLLLLLLLL 05-08-23 19:07
142 WorMeX Permanent sal marcela 04-08-23 19:07
143 Anduu STEAM_0:1:182335604 Permanent ai.ban kids 18-07-23 18:46
144 Happy STEAM_0:0:428015970 Permanent as fLORINELLLLLLLLLL 15-07-23 23:17
145 simpatik STEAM_0:1:198236072 Permanent pa GXV 13-07-23 20:12
146 glz STEAM_0:1:217619014 Permanent pa GXV 13-07-23 20:09
147 nmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnnmnmnmnmnmnmnm Permanent perm marcela 11-07-23 17:32
148 Tzanca STEAM_0:0:720673427 Permanent 0 yavez! 08-07-23 21:31
149 признаки жизни STEAM_0:0:544644557 Permanent 0 emerald 08-07-23 00:09
150 Elvetianu STEAM_0:0:632041229 Permanent muie Xtra 07-07-23 22:55
151 Tzanca Uraganu* STEAM_0:1:62285249 Permanent yavez Maria 02-07-23 22:41
152 MYKUL STEAM_0:1:632754141 Permanent COD GXV 25-06-23 15:48
153 papalica STEAM_0:1:775279235 Permanent mars emerald 24-06-23 16:15
154 Sergey STEAM_0:0:22897760 Permanent 0 kid0 24-06-23 15:16
155 Seli! STEAM_0:0:52161444 Permanent 0 kid0 24-06-23 15:15
156 DCa STEAM_0:1:779009327 Permanent nowg Maria 23-06-23 19:57
157 RKO STEAM_0:0:56725001 Permanent 0 tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 21-06-23 20:07
158 toni STEAM_0:1:447073845 Permanent interzis abece 20-06-23 17:36
159 zedere STEAM_0:0:17115832 Permanent injurii - ban my marcela abece 19-06-23 17:54
160 regele pulii STEAM_0:0:430108873 Permanent muie GXV 18-06-23 18:48
161 tepup STEAM_0:1:167556922 Permanent 0 GXV 17-06-23 00:27
162 |0|0|0| STEAM_0:0:464458543 Permanent interzis abece 10-06-23 20:22
163 ruallx STEAM_0:0:51583322 Permanent interzis - coduri abece 08-06-23 19:24
164 Arceus * -99 STEAM_0:0:565105527 Permanent aim bleah 26-05-23 17:03
165 pigusssss STEAM_0:1:549706604 Permanent larevedere kids 24-05-23 23:16
166 SULTANUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Permanent sal marcela 18-05-23 19:39
167 Shaolin Fantastic STEAM_0:0:535659830 Permanent invata sa joci fara coduri abece 17-05-23 23:08
168 Str7 STEAM_0:0:642179589 Permanent papa graN 10-05-23 20:11
169 NRC STEAM_0:0:764092528 Permanent mix !edward! 04-05-23 19:13
170 Sobi STEAM_0:0:92433882 Permanent 10 nicu 02-05-23 21:50
171 sEENN STEAM_0:0:484372747 Permanent cod kids 30-04-23 18:58
172 cristopher STEAM_0:1:735397546 Permanent wh warmup player 27-04-23 19:50
173 zynor_ STEAM_0:1:538977239 Permanent sal.bvlgary fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 25-04-23 22:49
174 m3ry-- STEAM_0:1:440835341 Permanent wall tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL AIM ON 23-04-23 20:07
175 jugga STEAM_0:1:659301996 Permanent wall tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 16-04-23 20:43
176 things happen STEAM_0:0:753103074 Permanent pa fLORINELLLL medalionul thaw 16-04-23 18:59
177 D I XaN STEAM_0:1:63225978 Permanent sugi fLORINELLLLLLLLLLLLL 11-04-23 19:02
178 мой инет гавно STEAM_0:1:58944862 Permanent гавно kids 05-04-23 18:30
179 YBIVAWKA STEAM_0:0:575979820 Permanent aim tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 01-04-23 18:11
180 Jason Stattrack STEAM_0:1:596023808 Permanent muist fLORINELLLLLLLLL 20-03-23 22:33
181 fantate STEAM_0:0:15647160 Permanent injurii GXV 20-03-23 21:58
182 STEAM_0:0:630007418 Permanent recl jigokuraku 20-03-23 20:08
183 ekrem STEAM_0:0:763291488 Permanent interzis abece 18-03-23 18:54
184 NO_NAME STEAM_0:1:654999234 Permanent 0 kid0 16-03-23 17:55
185 tipat STEAM_0:1:150814299 Permanent interzis abece 12-03-23 19:43
186 Necro*vDo STEAM_0:0:461720195 Permanent salut tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 11-03-23 23:56
187 Adriannnnnnnnnn STEAM_0:0:38454397 Permanent wg.rosu L[E]LE 10-03-23 18:38
188 Messi Regele Polar STEAM_0:1:599040649 Permanent decizie administrativa emerald 04-03-23 18:46
189 tef STEAM_0:1:175726463 Permanent INJURII GXV 02-03-23 18:39
190 XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAX Permanent wg marcela 28-02-23 20:37
191 Permanent sal marcela 23-02-23 20:44
192 szr STEAM_0:1:224347107 Permanent banwg tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 21-02-23 19:25
193 duke STEAM_0:1:757323472 Permanent drop.wg XeqT 20-02-23 22:30
194 moneyinthegrave$ STEAM_0:0:542109781 Permanent no wg tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 19-02-23 19:19
195 maic STEAM_0:0:1617353 Permanent no wg tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 19-02-23 19:18
196 признаки жизни STEAM_0:1:425046272 Permanent 10000 giuclea 11-02-23 18:39
197 LEMM0N. STEAM_0:1:532199047 Permanent limbajul tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 27-01-23 18:35
198 berechet<3 STEAM_0:1:722443175 Permanent limbajul tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 27-01-23 18:19
199 cccp STEAM_0:1:16034202 Permanent sa ne suga ma-ta pe toti de aici indi 27-01-23 18:08
200 yyy STEAM_0:1:609147364 Permanent wgrosu marcela 23-01-23 22:03
201 yyy Permanent sal marcela 23-01-23 22:02
202 yyy Permanent wg rosu marcela 23-01-23 21:56
203 b0rd0. STEAM_0:0:575157719 Permanent no wg tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 21-01-23 18:27
204 biju STEAM_0:0:448629503 Permanent decizieadm marcela 20-01-23 22:29
205 Biju Permanent sal marcela 20-01-23 22:25
206 Player Permanent injurat marcela 19-01-23 18:22
207 k1d0123. STEAM_0:0:418357849 Permanent pa sHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 17-01-23 22:08
208 yung spinach STEAM_0:0:497857007 Permanent nu halesc codati tRLLLLLLLLLLL 15-01-23 22:37
209 Best.CsGlobal-Ro-ADD to Favorit STEAM_0:0:602025700 Permanent reclama tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 14-01-23 22:35
210 gervonta STEAM_0:1:245355851 Permanent nowg emerald 14-01-23 21:30
211 Player STEAM_0:0:1258077 Permanent gypsy ss 06-01-23 17:26
212 oNN STEAM_0:0:584196103 Permanent no.wg asd 01-01-23 19:47
213 sevraj is on fire- STEAM_0:0:70235586 Permanent codsistres tRLLLLLLLLLLL 01-01-23 18:07
214 ADM STEAM_0:0:430780270 Permanent limbajul tRLLLLLLLLLLL 30-12-22 19:06
215 Player Permanent sal marcela 29-12-22 21:52
216 CLauuuuu # 1924 Permanent sal marcela 29-12-22 20:47
217 regele Permanent sal marcela 29-12-22 20:39
218 kabral STEAM_0:0:37526950 Permanent Bazzury 25-12-22 19:53
219 CU2PEU STEAM_0:0:138228358 Permanent wall AVR 24-12-22 21:58
220 BAYRAM SEKERI STEAM_0:1:540180422 Permanent pa XeqT 23-12-22 19:10
221 Schw@rzKopffff Permanent sal marcela 20-12-22 23:16
222 KILERUL STEAM_0:1:59718937 Permanent injurii AVR 18-12-22 21:57
223 zuzu STEAM_0:1:225785618 Permanent interzis abece 13-12-22 23:03
224 xoxolyca STEAM_0:1:713692605 Permanent interzis abece 13-12-22 23:00
225 bgd STEAM_0:1:608455702 Permanent drop.verificare 1998^ 09-12-22 23:52
226 awsky.- STEAM_0:0:430276473 Permanent no !edward! 06-12-22 19:42
227 Mert STEAM_0:0:626941077 Permanent ma-ta fan.giuclea 04-12-22 20:53
228 ZorreLL STEAM_0:0:230645259 Permanent prost Elena S 01-12-22 16:54
229 senzor STEAM_0:0:204618379 Permanent lbj insider1g 29-11-22 22:50
230 chicken47 STEAM_0:0:723680623 Permanent imi zici altadata tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 28-11-22 21:12
231 ALeNREGELE STEAM_0:0:135483534 Permanent inurii TEROARE 27-11-22 22:49
232 KAYZER RESPAWN STEAM_2:1:1871194280 Permanent AIM GXV 27-11-22 20:25
233 BogdaNNNNNNNNNNN! STEAM_0:0:192512752 Permanent jegosule florinel 26-11-22 21:50
234 sixty. STEAM_0:1:419405424 Permanent rasa florinel 26-11-22 21:50
235 vand cont H+ 1.21 kd STEAM_0:0:567800240 Permanent ma-ta.e.rrita SHELLLLLL 26-11-22 20:00
236 703chop Permanent interzis marcela 25-11-22 22:32
237 Father Grigori STEAM_0:0:524731106 Permanent mix abece 25-11-22 22:23
238 depre??ed kroha STEAM_0:0:638109835 Permanent 0 kid0 23-11-22 21:51
239 furious STEAM_0:1:161615114 Permanent cod tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 23-11-22 00:37
240 Force Of [NATURE] STEAM_0:1:19987539 Permanent 0 kid0 20-11-22 19:48
241 tRL STEAM_0:1:461231031 Permanent pa tRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 20-11-22 18:57
242 yallow STEAM_0:0:542587381 Permanent wg kookee 16-11-22 21:54
243 lululike STEAM_0:0:736993758 Permanent interzis abece 13-11-22 23:27
244 babyburgarnicky STEAM_0:0:75188344 Permanent interzis kid0 07-11-22 20:10
245 tallent STEAM_0:1:724328227 Permanent alias MIX1.FIREON.RO | TS.FIREON.RO 03-11-22 00:28
246 qqq STEAM_0:0:633697309 Permanent interzis abece 01-11-22 22:51
247 tracE~ STEAM_0:1:712899714 Permanent aim AnDu 01-11-22 22:51
248 +ï¼”6 bvlgari______ STEAM_0:0:629092377 Permanent aim SHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 30-10-22 21:41
249 Grasu. STEAM_0:0:505415805 Permanent no-wg AVR 27-10-22 21:59
250 pixi Permanent interzis marcela 25-10-22 19:12
251 asd STEAM_0:0:420633252 Permanent pa imi cer scuze bro 24-10-22 23:03
252 best STEAM_0:1:6462385 Permanent injurii GXV 19-10-22 21:01
253 avy STEAM_0:1:214379153 Permanent 0 kkkk 18-10-22 21:16
254 bucatti STEAM_0:1:199176042 Permanent wg rosu, interzis abece 12-10-22 19:34
255 kidd0x STEAM_0:1:497606760 Permanent perm AnDu 05-10-22 19:26
256 dinamick STEAM_0:0:7330497 Permanent interzis abece 04-10-22 23:59
257 PISTOLETO BLINDATO STEAM_0:1:225807794 Permanent mortisorii.tai SHELLLL 03-10-22 22:15
258 GICă BOIERUL 亗 STEAM_0:0:17394792 Permanent nn AnDu 03-10-22 19:10
259 ISG. FanGLONT STEAM_0:0:441973679 Permanent coduri abece 29-09-22 19:28
260 s1mple001 STEAM_0:1:714181991 Permanent aim graN 27-09-22 18:18
261 CS.INTRUSII.RO (1) STEAM_0:0:18624429 Permanent du-te acolo abece 18-09-22 13:53
262 amy STEAM_0:1:645297824 Permanent interzis abece 16-09-22 20:05
263 frozen STEAM_0:0:111112533 Permanent injurii GXV 13-09-22 20:42
264 panik STEAM_0:1:167250486 Permanent injurii GXV 12-09-22 21:17
265 РРSTEAM_0:1:230643918 Permanent ma-ta SHELLLLL 11-09-22 18:02
266 esssssssssssssssssuuu STEAM_0:0:713422136 Permanent tiNt 09-09-22 20:30
267 Doge Permanent aim bbb 09-09-22 15:46
268 agent.qolea STEAM_0:0:540077921 Permanent limbaj ninja 03-09-22 17:21
269 Kiparush ! STEAM_0:1:555453933 Permanent wg tRLjM 01-09-22 21:26
270 TOPor STEAM_0:0:121610540 Permanent interzis abece 31-08-22 21:37
271 famouskll STEAM_0:0:196690366 Permanent interzis abece 31-08-22 12:30
272 onetap STEAM_0:0:615673021 Permanent no wg abece 25-08-22 16:18
273 tigan STEAM_0:0:709742086 Permanent INTERZIS abece 22-08-22 22:33
274 3131313 STEAM_0:0:703499393 Permanent . kid0 16-08-22 22:21
275 rxst0rm STEAM_0:0:448086808 Permanent SUFERINTE GXV 16-08-22 22:20
276 123 STEAM_0:1:633991224 Permanent nevedemaltadata NINJA 16-08-22 21:43
277 mafia.alex STEAM_0:0:709387326 Permanent interzisbyabc portocala 12-08-22 00:06
278 padukiosul STEAM_0:1:651327142 Permanent interzisbyabece Elena S 12-08-22 00:06
279 cl_buyhands 1 STEAM_0:1:460250109 Permanent nowg ninjalaul 11-08-22 20:43
280 RuN STEAM_0:0:580362819 Permanent drop Maria 08-08-22 22:12
281 A2Anti STEAM_0:0:2142431 Permanent interzis abece 04-08-22 00:24
282 PITARU STEAM_0:0:576082952 Permanent larevedere kids 03-08-22 22:43
283 pisi STEAM_0:0:590033574 Permanent injuraturi marcela 03-08-22 20:26
284 pisi STEAM_0:0:197027303 Permanent injuraturi marcela 03-08-22 20:26
285 pisi STEAM_0:0:642700571 Permanent injuraturi marcela 03-08-22 20:25
286 gabi STEAM_0:1:419844287 Permanent Gx 02-08-22 21:07
287 dra STEAM_0:0:662883795 Permanent wall NINJA 02-08-22 02:00
288 briceagdespoitor STEAM_0:0:704829070 Permanent wall NINJA 02-08-22 02:00
289 zvydeu5 STEAM_0:0:170045681 Permanent interzis abece 01-08-22 22:04
290 ion Permanent injuraturi marcela 30-07-22 18:12
291 ion Permanent injuraturi marcela 30-07-22 18:12
292 plexus STEAM_0:1:425092870 Permanent reclama+drop GXV 29-07-22 19:03
293 inginer STEAM_0:1:210787117 Permanent drop tRLjM 29-07-22 01:27
294 Andrei - [wQe] [X] STEAM_0:0:434589908 Permanent 0 kid0 26-07-22 00:45
295 LUFTWAFFE STEAM_0:1:39663993 Permanent INJURII abece 25-07-22 23:50
296 bOMbAbOMbEloR STEAM_0:0:80478573 Permanent ai murit tRLjM 25-07-22 23:48
297 ellieleen STEAM_0:1:540161775 Permanent sagrth warmup player 25-07-22 01:23
298 dulcixa STEAM_0:0:555096384 Permanent Interzis abece 24-07-22 21:37
299 rrrr STEAM_0:1:475087082 Permanent nowg kid0 23-07-22 19:31
300 kuvabramma STEAM_0:1:404067 Permanent limbaj !edward! 23-07-22 18:49
301 la ritournelle STEAM_0:0:13635555 Permanent limbaj !edward! 23-07-22 18:48
302 PITARU STEAM_0:1:601508810 Permanent interzis indi 22-07-22 15:15
303 nume german STEAM_0:1:212479026 Permanent te mai asteptam pe la noi abece 22-07-22 00:55
304 Shin STEAM_0:1:696184486 Permanent no.wg kookee 20-07-22 22:46
305 BogdaNNNNNNNNNNNN! STEAM_0:0:547170848 Permanent injurii fluturashul ninja 19-07-22 23:47
306 PITARU STEAM_0:0:648604021 Permanent nu Xtra 17-07-22 00:12
307 iNSANEkkk STEAM_0:0:432367117 Permanent ne Xtra 17-07-22 00:09
308 dddddd STEAM_0:0:191067116 Permanent pe data viitoare abece 09-07-22 23:47
309 zedere Permanent injuraturi marcela 07-07-22 23:29
310 jean STEAM_0:1:147027233 Permanent poate intr-o alta viata fara coduri. abece 05-07-22 15:14
311 whoareyou? STEAM_0:1:637984132 Permanent sanatate. abece 05-07-22 15:13
312 kamsas STEAM_0:0:512382214 Permanent poate intr-o alta viata fara coduri shine -/ 05-07-22 15:13
313 costikEEEEE STEAM_0:0:50729666 Permanent codat SHELLLL 05-07-22 15:12
314 wait Permanent limbaj bbb 05-07-22 15:12
315 Alias STEAM_0:1:640026543 Permanent injurii GXV 05-07-22 15:12
316 Edymikey STEAM_0:1:426230285 Permanent 0 Crz 05-07-22 15:12
317 cine i laurian Permanent demoforumptunban marcela 05-07-22 15:12
318 asdasd STEAM_0:1:649472259 Permanent sal Elena S 05-07-22 15:12
319 varamiu costel STEAM_0:1:3006650 Permanent drop kid0 05-07-22 15:12
320 piulita Permanent sal marcela 14-06-22 19:25
321 Christian G. STEAM_0:1:181555435 Permanent te salutam abece 09-06-22 00:38
322 alcapone giovani STEAM_0:0:659223436 Permanent te salutam abece 09-06-22 00:37
323 lulu Permanent codsal marcela 08-06-22 20:51
324 lulu STEAM_0:0:649258991 Permanent codsal marcela 08-06-22 20:48
325 parfumat STEAM_0:1:627290097 Permanent pa tRLjM 06-06-22 16:24
326 dawg<3 STEAM_0:1:157565263 Permanent demo & wg 1 04-06-22 02:15
327 gabriel STEAM_0:0:649126668 Permanent injurii Xtra 03-06-22 01:09
328 duckz9r STEAM_0:0:674151139 Permanent salut abece 01-06-22 01:48
329 lxy STEAM_0:1:655573974 Permanent salut abece 01-06-22 01:48
330 incepator STEAM_0:1:42639243 Permanent drum bun abece 31-05-22 01:00
331 mentt STEAM_0:0:640373028 Permanent -wg, -demo abece 29-05-22 03:14
332 sadeeyes STEAM_0:0:649924024 Permanent no.wg tiNt 20-05-22 23:38
333 carbune STEAM_0:0:580508755 Permanent drop.wg XeqT 18-05-22 20:14
334 asdf Permanent sal marcela 17-05-22 22:11
335 asdf STEAM_0:1:661513793 Permanent sal marcela 17-05-22 22:10
336 wg demo verificare es STEAM_0:0:636917367 Permanent paaaaa XeqT 17-05-22 21:30
337 zeus STEAM_0:0:530194695 Permanent te salutam din mers ( wh ) abece 15-05-22 22:11
338 paris takana STEAM_0:0:440256782 Permanent pa Maria 11-05-22 00:11
339 shawtyontour STEAM_0:0:159996224 Permanent zdreanta? Maria 11-05-22 00:10
340 dani mocanu STEAM_0:0:3974737 Permanent interzis by indi indi 10-05-22 00:47
341 aeae STEAM_0:1:418871200 Permanent salutttttttttttttttt.WH XeqT 06-05-22 23:03
342 viceversa STEAM_0:1:547432442 Permanent interzis GXV 05-05-22 22:55
343 regele STEAM_0:1:86902432 Permanent interzis GXV 05-05-22 22:54
344 cojocariu STEAM_0:1:654966138 Permanent interzis GXV 05-05-22 22:54
345 dxx STEAM_0:0:573691293 Permanent interzis GXV 05-05-22 22:51
346 hsn STEAM_0:1:507855286 Permanent interzis GXV 05-05-22 22:48
347 Zewtzu STEAM_0:1:433638360 Permanent interzis GXV 05-05-22 22:45
348 definitely STEAM_0:0:426791 Permanent as SHELLLLLL 30-04-22 19:41
349 ropz STEAM_0:0:529464067 Permanent fuck.putin SHELLLLL 27-04-22 18:36
350 qw3rton <3 STEAM_0:0:79576748 Permanent 0 kid0 20-04-22 19:18
351 CRAGHH Permanent sal marcela 20-04-22 18:04
352 mirel STEAM_0:0:543951673 Permanent du-te tare abece 19-04-22 20:05
353 frg STEAM_0:0:71883158 Permanent 618 alias abece 19-04-22 19:57
354 AnDy STEAM_0:0:509729978 Permanent no.wg AnDu 19-04-22 16:54
355 YOUR MOM SUCK MY DICK STEAM_0:1:187372756 Permanent d kid0 18-04-22 18:52
356 marius STEAM_0:0:38180872 Permanent injurii GXV 14-04-22 19:01
357 marius Permanent injurii GXV 14-04-22 18:57
358 barrow STEAM_0:1:629631792 Permanent pa AnDu 12-04-22 20:10
359 DоT. STEAM_0:1:639745968 Permanent cod AMDAVR 10-04-22 17:48
360 mormoloc STEAM_0:0:534724296 Permanent ss atheyus 09-04-22 22:11
361 kralin STEAM_0:0:650194129 Permanent salutare abece 08-04-22 16:53
362 test STEAM_0:0:441819248 Permanent no.wg AMDAVR 04-04-22 21:13
363 aSu*x Permanent sal marcela 26-03-22 00:26
364 gunoi STEAM_0:0:223734512 Permanent pa Xtra 23-03-22 21:53
365 jaja STEAM_0:0:43563314 Permanent limbaj abece 10-03-22 21:30
366 TRASH PLAYERS STEAM_0:1:641917564 Permanent wall kid0 27-02-22 23:37
367 Û STEAM_0:1:581246991 Permanent 0 tiNt 25-02-22 00:20
368 Û STEAM_0:1:580041457 Permanent 109000 Ancienthyntr 25-02-22 00:19
369 Ù STEAM_0:1:641434085 Permanent 0 tiNt 25-02-22 00:18
370 2 STEAM_0:1:629959969 Permanent s warmup player 25-02-22 00:18
371 ptr STEAM_0:1:95828805 Permanent s warmup player 25-02-22 00:18
372 poisen STEAM_0:1:38285124 Permanent sal marcela 23-02-22 20:48
373 poisen Permanent caasavreapllumarcela marcela 23-02-22 20:23
374 Antaios [CFG] STEAM_0:0:569842715 Permanent mix abece 20-02-22 17:56
375 BJIad0s_UA STEAM_0:0:454666604 Permanent cauta alt server llllllll 19-02-22 23:24
376 jaguar Permanent sal marcela 05-02-22 22:37
377 jaguar STEAM_0:1:432156527 Permanent sal marcela 05-02-22 22:36
378 lin STEAM_0:1:615064399 Permanent no.wg AnDu <86> 28-01-22 20:48
379 KALVIN CLEIM STEAM_0:0:637691141 Permanent 11111111111 AnDu 25-01-22 00:24
380 Drift_Virus<3 Show^.- <0> STEAM_0:0:451777214 Permanent mix lllllllll <62> 24-01-22 21:45
381 annabel STEAM_0:0:48946271 Permanent mix lllllllll 23-01-22 23:48
382 DoVLa91 STEAM_0:0:189906671 Permanent mix lllll 23-01-22 20:14
383 talaziz STEAM_0:1:87899910 Permanent muist SHELLLLLL 22-01-22 20:04
384 ambreaj STEAM_0:1:534959796 Permanent indi alban 21-01-22 23:35
385 20BurningHot.DAUDINOZN Permanent sal marcela 19-01-22 20:22
386 d0gger STEAM_0:1:47318360 Permanent mix lllll 17-01-22 23:33
387 d15ayner STEAM_0:0:485214100 Permanent mix andrei 13-01-22 23:14
388 yyeeeeyy STEAM_0:0:140504697 Permanent mix andrei 13-01-22 23:14
389 Mirek Handlarz STEAM_0:0:527738743 Permanent mix andrei 13-01-22 22:37
390 23ebcf Permanent pa XeqT 12-01-22 23:55
391 Schranz_Styler STEAM_0:1:632601794 Permanent mix andrei 12-01-22 23:39
392 IANIS STEAM_0:1:221453694 Permanent mix andrei 12-01-22 23:07
393 7kick STEAM_0:0:161456807 Permanent va mai asteptam (drop) andrei 11-01-22 20:00
394 ics STEAM_0:1:79634946 Permanent va mai asteptam (drop) andrei 11-01-22 20:00
395 gabriel STEAM_0:1:29496505 Permanent mix andrei 09-01-22 21:16
396 DNY STEAM_0:0:421203195 Permanent drop WG andrei 09-01-22 01:34
397 Tanculet STEAM_0:0:17081993 Permanent mix andrei 08-01-22 20:12
398 ce STEAM_0:1:596602088 Permanent mix XeqT 23-12-21 20:23
399 sNk Permanent muie Rrr ! 21-12-21 21:31
400 terminatul STEAM_0:0:594567898 Permanent wg tiNt 18-12-21 00:18
401 old.player STEAM_0:1:621896548 Permanent neprezentare demo+wg indi 17-12-21 16:28
402 abdyck STEAM_0:1:174608317 Permanent sanatate andrei 16-12-21 22:11
403 ÃÃ STEAM_0:1:244267854 Permanent fmm andrei 16-12-21 00:24
404 k a p STEAM_0:1:83113309 Permanent drop Crz 12-12-21 22:37
405 KROKODILUL STEAM_0:1:18313727 Permanent ban wg andrei 12-12-21 16:27
406 paradise STEAM_0:0:628775925 Permanent retard fc andrei 12-12-21 16:26
407 bionic STEAM_0:0:111977496 Permanent retard fc andrei 12-12-21 16:25
408 (.) STEAM_0:0:555051520 Permanent - andrei 12-12-21 16:24
409 P KD 1.80 Permanent DROP andrei 12-12-21 16:23
410 nazi dog atack STEAM_0:1:470923784 Permanent drop + neprezentare demo andrei 12-12-21 16:22
411 BOGDAN1 STEAM_0:1:622768117 Permanent ok andrei 12-12-21 16:21
412 alex-.- STEAM_0:1:154343188 Permanent limbaj+reclama andrei 12-12-21 16:21
413 4-0 nu prea va vad baieti STEAM_0:0:160656250 Permanent pa andrei 12-12-21 16:19
414 6-0 DINAMOOOOOO STEAM_0:1:51450579 Permanent pa andrei 12-12-21 16:19
415 palmier STEAM_0:0:622291875 Permanent pa andrei 12-12-21 16:18
416 gulit STEAM_0:0:596009250 Permanent pa andrei 12-12-21 16:18
417 AUGIE STEAM_0:0:433586173 Permanent pa andrei 12-12-21 16:17
418 beast STEAM_0:0:108508709 Permanent monitor andrei 12-12-21 16:11